You mean "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants". It means a revolution should take place once government gets too big or they begin to infringe on the free will's of people. Which means, Patriots and Tyrants will die if it means to maintain Liberty.
Economic growth can only be seen when there is an increase in quality and quantity of the factors of production so clearly it is a function of these factors. The purpose of economic organization – including all labor – is to create things that people value. Economic growth occurs when more and cheaper goods can be created.
After the civil war, much of the ownership for land was unattainable for free slaves due to the government opposing the idea. Instead most African slaves had to become sharecroppers on plantations where they had previously been slaves.
It was caused by the sharp rise in the price of opium was seized upon by some of the Cohong trading houses and smugglers.
Somalia is rated Not Free in Freedom in the World, Freedom House's annual study of political rights and civil liberties worldwide.