Sensory Language - In writing, sensory language is a way for a writer to help the reader see or connect with an image, description, action, or scene. Sensory language is language that connects to the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) to create an image or description.
J-ust love and sympathy
U-nited as one
S-urely will
T-ake us to a better world
I-n order to achieve justice
C-are for the rights of others
E-quality and humanity is needed
Atticus has tried to be patient and understanding with his sister, but in this chapter he almost gives in to anger. He restrains himself, however, and Scout notices his feelings only as a subtle change in his behavior towards Alexandra, a “digging in.” In these ways, Atticus Finch is developed as a character.
While the cyclops is out with his sheep, Odysseus sharpens a piece of wood into a stake and hardens it in the fire. Next, he gives the cyclops wine to get him drunk, and he tells the cyclops his name is “Nobody.” When the cyclops falls asleep, Odysseus blinds him with the hardened stake.
It is a simile because it is comparing two things using like or as. In this case it is comparing Kobe to a Black Mamba using as.