Attempt to understand a group's beliefs and practices within their own cultural context.
Culture is always influenced by people's ideas and it keeps changing due to many reasons. They may change due to migration of people from one place to another because of trade or invasion.
Anthropology means studying different traits or characteristics of a human in present societies and what existed in the past. Anthropologists who study all the traits of human culture, varying from violence, war to love and how different people understand the same from different parts of the world are known as Cultural anthropologists.
Cultural relativism means understanding a person's beliefs and values based on that person's own culture and not judging them for those beliefs and practices based on another beliefs. So, to make cultural relativism as research study, anthropologists must try to understand that person's beliefs within their own cultural context.
I personally think that Alexander the Great was better.
Although he didn't care much about the citizens he conquered many city states in a shorter amount of time then other kings could.
D. James Madison
Madison realized that drafting a Bill of Rights was politically imperative.
Answer: Russia
Explanation: because the Germans plan to attack Russia because they decided to attack first to maintain the initiative. but Germany knows that they knew that France would honor the alliance with Russia a war on two fronts