:) i hope it helps if correct don't forget to brainliest me please please
Golgi Apparatus:
Usually Golgi complex is made up of four parts— cisternae, tubules, vesicles and vacuoles
Answer: Energy is passed up a food chain or web from lower to higher trophic levels. This loss of energy explains why there are rarely more than four trophic levels in a food chain or web. Sometimes there may be a fifth trophic level, but usually there's not enough energy left to support any additional levels.
Explanation: :) Hope it helps
1) Sambungan bola-dan-soket. 2) Sendi engsel. 3) Sambungan poros 4) Sambungan elips.
Sendi adalah daerah di tubuh kita tempat dua tulang saling menempel. Ada empat jenis sambungan 1) Sambungan bola dan soket. 2) Sendi engsel. 3) Sambungan poros 4) Sambungan elips. Sendi bola-dan-soket adalah sendi yang ada di bahu dan pinggul. Sendi engsel ada di pergelangan kaki, siku, dan lutut. Sendi poros ada di leher dan pergelangan tangan. Sendi elipsoidal ada di tangan dan jari.
The correct order is F, E, C, G, H, A, D, and B (look at the image in the attached files)
- <u>Interphase</u><u>:</u> Stages G1, S, and G2. At this point probably, the chromatin duplication has already occurred, but it is still lax or dispersed. It has not condensed yet. Two pairs of centrioles are outside the nucleus (FIGURE F)
- <u>Prophase</u>: Centrioles move forward to the opposite poles of the cell. Chromatin is condensed and individual chromosomes are now visible. The nuclear membrane breaks into many pieces. Spindle apparatus -microtubules- forms. (FIGURE E)
- <u>Metaphase:</u> The polar and the kinetochore fibers drive each individual chromosome to the equatorial plane. This stage ends when all the chromosomes are completely arranged in the medial area. (FIGURE C)
- <u>Anaphase</u>: Sister chromatids separate and move to the opposite poles of the cells, driven by the microtubules. In each pole, there are a pair of centrioles (FIGURE G and H).
- <u>Telophase</u>: The nuclear membrane rearranges. Each sister chromatid becomes now a new chromosome. There is a pair of centrioles outside each of the nuclei. (FIGURE A)
- Cytokinesis occurs at the end of the cell division. The rest of the cell is divided into two new daughter cells. Each daughter cell is an identical copy of the other cell, with the exact same genetic material (FIGURE D).
- Decondensation of the genetic material of each new cell (FIGURE B).

Animals gives us nutrients because of the food they eat