A.He is not concerned about it.
As he didn´t went out to the porch running, but barely steps closer to take a glance at what was happening, he seems relaxed and not concerned at all with what just happened, this means that he does not care, nor is interested in learning more about it, he isn´t also disappointed that it wasn´t more excited, he just doesn´t care.
Ottoman Empire represents on of the largest imperial projects in the history of humans, ruling vast territories in North Africa, the Balkans, and the middle east over a period of some five centuries. It was created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia that became one of the most powerful states in the world during 15th and 16th centuries. The central fact that allowed Suleiman to peruse urban renewal projects was the fact that his revenues from the state were higher than those of other European monarchs.
Plutocracy refers to a kind of economic system where the seat of power
or control rests on the rich. The owners of haciendas and plantations rule the
workers and the people who depend on them for daily survival. Wealth elevates
the individuals or nations to power over the poor whose tasks are limited to
serving their rich masters.
The answer Is C because all Countries fought and Had many casualties all together