Ok, I'm not giving you the answer. Instead, I'm going to give you the way to solve it. Then, you can do it yourself, message it to me, and I will check it.
Do .11 x 25. Remember to add the decimal back in.
6 d x 24<span> hr = 144 hr 144 hr </span>x 60 min<span> = 8640 </span>min<span> 16 hr </span>x 60 min<span> = 960 </span>min<span> 8640 </span>min<span> + 960 </span>min<span> + 34 </span>min<span>= 9634 </span>min<span>. In the first </span>conversion<span>, we used </span>24 hours<span> because there are </span>24 hours<span> in a ... </span>Convert<span> 4 gallon 3 quarts </span>1 pints<span> into </span>pints<span>. ... For example, larger to smaller units still </span>multiply<span> and smaller to larger units still </span>divide<span>.</span>
I assume not
Step-by-step explanation:
The question for comparison is going to be:
What is the difference between the first burrow and the fourth burrow?
You can make some questions like this that ask for comparison.
Other questions that might be helpful:
Which burrow has the most amount of eggs?
What is the difference between the burrow with the largest amount of eggs and the burrow with the smallest amount of eggs?
I hope my answer is helpful to you!
Step-by-step explanation: