Dr. Alex Young would like to know about your progress in solving the mystery about the rough-skinned newts. In the space below,
answer the Chapter 1 Question: What caused this newt population to become more poisonous? Use what you have learned so far to consider these claims:
Claim 1: Individual newts became more poisonous because they wanted to.
Claim 2: The newt population became more poisonous because of something in the environment.
Revised Claim 2: The newt population became more poisonous because the snakes in this environment caused poison to be an adaptive trait
Choose one or more claims to support with evidence and reasoning. You may also want to explain why one or more of the claims is definitely not correct.
Be sure to use some of the vocabulary words you have learned so far:
adaptive trait
non-adaptive trait
Because of the presence of predators (snakes), the more poisonous traits were adaptive. Over time, the newts with higher poisonous level traits became more common in the newt population.
The Calvin cycle is the cycle where in sugars are produced
in the chloroplast. Calvin cycle is also known as the Calvin-Benson cycle.
Calvin cycle has three stages this is fixation, reduction, and
regeneration. Calvin cycle is needed in
With environmental changes, the carrying capacity can either increase or decrease. It is important to note that the carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a species that a habitat can sustain indefinitely. With favorable environmental conditions, the carrying capacity increases while unfavorable environmental conditions decrease the carrying capacity.
Fossil Evidence and Structural evidence proves to support the theory of evolution because fossil evidence shows how animals looked like a few hundreds to thousands of years ago, and structural evidence shows how an animal can change from a land creature to a sea creator such as a whale starting from Indohyus to becoming a whale as it is now.