I think how people affect the natural world and how if affects them.
On September 5, 1774, delegates from each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia (which was fighting a Native-American uprising and was dependent on the British for military supplies) met in Philadelphia as the First Continental Congress to organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Coercive Acts. The delegates included a number of future luminaries, such as future presidents John Adams (1735-1826) of Massachusetts and George Washington (1732-99) of Virginia, and future U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice and diplomat John Jay (1745-1829) of New York. The Congress was structured with emphasis on the equality of participants, and to promote free debate. After much discussion, the Congress issued a Declaration of Rights, affirming its loyalty to the British Crown but disputing the British Parliament’s right to tax it. The Congress also passed the Articles of Association, which called on the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles beginning on December 1, 1774, if the Coercive Acts were not repealed. Should Britain fail to redress the colonists’ grievances in a timely manner, the Congress declared, then it would reconvene on May 10, 1775, and the colonies would cease to export goods to Britain on September 10, 1775. After proclaiming these measures, the First Continental Congress disbanded on October 26, 1774.
Answer: 3. sources, whether primary or secondary
The future value of money under simple interest is calculated using the equation: F = P(1+rt), where F is the future value, P is the present value, r is the interest rate, and t is the time in years.
F = ($2500)(1+0.1*1.5) = ($2500)(1.15) = $2875
At the end of the Second World War, the Allied side, which was formed mainly by the powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France, divided itself in ideological terms into two distinct camps, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively. Thus, the side led by the United States, called the Western bloc, advocated the imposition of a democratic and capitalist system throughout the planet with a fundamental respect for the individual freedoms of citizens, both in social and economic terms. On the other hand, the Soviet Union came to lead in the eastern bloc, with clearly communist ideas, which promoted the creation of an authoritarian system in which the government would centralize economic, political, civil and social decisions both at a general level as well as in the particular scope of each one of the citizens.
In this way, these two antagonistic views of the world began to collide, since both powers sought to expand their spheres of influence through the imposition of their system in other countries. This situation, motivated by the power struggle between both powers, gave rise to the Cold War.