Dispute resolution at initial level injects a sense of security and belief in an individual and hence improves the relationship between the two
The internal conflicts between the people and institution if resolved at an earlier stage build confidence in people working in the institution. They also start respecting the institution and start believing that their voices are also heard irrespective of their post.
This also brings clarity in relation and expectations both at the institution and individual level. Once a strong bond develops through this exercise of dispute resolution at initial level, the relation between institution and people become co-ordial.
They taxed them and did not agree with freedom. It was a bad idea because it led to a revolution.
The best answers for this would be:
Every friday afternoon around 4:00 pm, nerf darts start
flying around the office at aplia, where both work and play are highly valued. –
Slogan would be the best fit for this statement.
at virginia tech, students and professors remember the
courage of professor liviu librescu, who died protecting his students from a
gunman in 2007. – Hero would be the best description for the statement of
at ibm, people talk about the meeting where people were told
to turn off the projector and "just talk." this de-emphasized the
importance of slides in organizational communications. – Finally story is a
great way to put into the communication of other people.
A cloth bandage
A cloth bandage is not an example of bio material.
Trust me:)