Positive Punishment
Positive punishment is used to decrease the probability to occur an unwanted behavior. Whenever positive punishment used people think that there is something wrong or harmful but exactly its not there. This procedure can be used with mentally challenged and normal children, adults, animals, and different psychological disorders. There are two types of punishment
<u>Negative Punishment
<u>Positive Punishment:
The works presenting by negative consequences after doing undesired behavior are displayed, for making the behavior less likely happened in the future positive punishment given .
Empathy is the term of positive psychology. Empathy is an experience about another person's grief, pain from the self point of view. Empathy is a behavior that promotes pro-social behavior and as well as helping behavior that arises from inner.
Empathy is in contrast with sympathy. Sympathy is cognitively to make understand other person feeling of pain, grief, etc. Empathy is like when people behave in a very compassionate manner. All individuals have different views about the person who is pain. The psychopath has a feeling of empathy but does not have experiential. A true psychopath does not have a feeling of empathy.
SO that when Mark's father died. Her friend told her he can understand her pain which she is going through. When she cries her friend also cry with her. It is an example of empathy.
Longitude is measured by imaginary lines that run around the Earth vertically (up and down) and meet at the North and South Poles. These lines are known as meridians. Each meridian measures one arcdegree of longitude. The distance around the Earth measures 360 degrees