LIke jazz, photography has fallings that are being implied to the pictures such as the jazz music. These felling or as there commonly know as soul can make great music and even HD pictures in photography.
def recursive_func():
x = input("Are we there yet?")
if x.casefold() == 'Yes'.casefold():
We define the required function as recursive_func().
The first line takes user input. The user input is stored in variable x.
The next line compares the user input to a string yes. The function executes the else block if the condition isn't met, that is a recursive call is executed.
IF condition returns the function. The string in variable X is compared to a string 'Yes'. the casefold() is a string function that ignores the upper/lower cases when comparing two strings. (This is important because a string 'yes' is not the same yes a string 'Yes' or 'YES'. Two equal strings means their cases and length should match).
The following program was written in Java. It creates a loop that asks the user for numbers. If it can convert it to an integer it accepts it and adds it to the sum variable otherwise it ouputs that it is not a valid number. Once all 10 integers are added it prints the Average of the values entered.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int count = 0;
int sum = 0;
while (count != 10) {
System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
String answer = in.nextLine();
try {
int intAnswer = Integer.parseInt(answer);
sum += intAnswer;
count += 1;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Not a valid number.");
int average = sum / count;
System.out.println("Average: " + average);
Quantizing error
In digitisation of analog signal refers to the rounding off of values which are approximately equal to the analog signals. The method of sampling chooses a few point on the analog signal and then these points are joined to round off the value to a near stabilised value. such process is known as Quantization. For any system, during its functioning, there is always a difference in the values of its input and output. The processing of the system results in an error, which is the difference of those values.
The difference between an input value and its quantized value is called a Quantization Error. A Quantizer is a logarithmic function that performs Quantization rounding off the value. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) works as a quantizer.