Prefix: in - means 'not'
Root: suffer - from the Latin "sufferre", meaning 'to endure'
Suffix: able - means 'capable of', or 'able to'
Sam and Eric are twins. Though they are two individuals, they are identified as one with the nickname "Samneric".
Their companions can't tell them apart so instead of using their names, their friends combined their names and used it to address any one of the twins.
Samneric do things together. They think alike. Basically, they are identical in all ways from physical appearance to their characters.
The men of Athens are afraid when women show power, as their entire patriarchal system relies on female complacency.
The point of the play-within-a-play to make fun of the dramatics of the Athenian lovers, and to make the play end with a happy note.
"Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, laughter never ends
Here are the answers to the given questions above:
1. <span>Plato’s dialogues, including the Apologia, are classical texts. The answer would be option A.
2. </span>The Socratic method refers to questioning definitions of concepts expressed by people. The answer would be option C.
Hope these answer your questions.