What are the advantage of sport competition in nation and nationalities of Ethiopia?
Participating in sports not only empoers the individual with healthy physique brain but also strengthens social bondage by creating harmony with others. This in turn creates solidarity among nations and nationalities thus consolidating the unity of the peoples.
<span>know and be consciously aware of your own personal and professional values and beliefs
</span><span>obtain as much info as possible about different ethnic/cultural groups
</span><span>be sensitive to behaviors and practices from different from your own
</span><span>remember that you are not being pressured to adopt other beliefs, but that you must respect them
</span><span>develop friendships with a wide variety of people from different ethnic/cultural groups
</span><span>ask ?s and encourage ?s from others to share ideas and beleifs</span>
The things you can do mentally and physically in daily life, or under pressure.
One of the things that psychology focuses on is behaviour, in fact, some psychologists focused only on this. However, modern psychology focuses more on the cognitive processes, and it's also called "cognitive psychology"
so: Behaviour and cognitive processes