They largely ignored the policies and resisted when the British government made attempts to control shipping into and out of the colonies.
- The Great Compromise (also known as the Connecticut Compromise)
- The Three-Fifths Compromise
The two compromises affected the way a state's representation in Congress would be determined.
Both of these compromises were devised during the United States Constitutional Convention in 1787.
The Great Compromise resolved a dispute between small population states and large population states. The large population states wanted representation in Congress to be based on a state's population size. The smaller states feared this would lead to unchecked dominance by the big states; they wanted all states to receive the same amount of representation. The Great Compromise created a bicameral (two-chamber) legislature. Representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population. In the Senate, all states would have the same amount of representation, by two Senators.
The Three-Fifths Compromise was a way of accounting (somewhat) for the population of slaves in states that permitted slavery. For taxation and representation purposes, the question was whether slaves should count in the population figures. (They were not considered voting citizens at that time.) The Three-Fifths Compromise said that three out of every five slaves could be counted when determining a state's population size for determining how many seats that state would receive in the House of Representatives.
Yes they did because they wanted African Americans to return to the land of their ancestors
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La imprenta es un invento de mediados del siglo XV de Johannes Gutenberg quien mejoró las técnicas de imprenta con un instrumento que permitía reproducir textos utilizando piezas metálicas a las que se les aplicaba tinta para pasarla al papel. La imprenta fue un invento muy importante para dar a conocer las ideas humanistas porque permitió reproducir los libros de forma más económica y rápida lo que llevó a una gran difusión de estos y esto contribuyó a dar a conocer las ideas humanistas dado que se daba la transferencia de conocimiento y pensamientos a través de los libros.