The main other documentation forms that must be maintained are the log files the codes and the other important codes that are necessary for the computer to function and for the further security of the information it can also be stored in a paper
There are two types of inventory the hardware inventory and the software inventory the hardware inventory will contain the memory the operational system the details of the manufacturer and the software inventory will contain the details of the vendors of the application
The most important files are the documentation and they are stored in the log files and the codes are also stored
Internet Protocol refers to a set of rules that govern how data packets are transmitted over a network. Internet protocol describes how data packets move through a network. Its important to have agreed upon protocols because Computers make use of protocols as well, to enable them to communicate. Devices need to communicate. When two devices want to successfully communicate, they must agree to follow some rules about the way they will do it.
Anti-malware and Anti-Virus
The execution speed of machine language is faster than the execution speed of other languages. Machine or assembly language will execute the fastest as compared to high-level languages. No other language can execute faster than Machine language since instructions are directed straight to the CPU. Other high-level languages often add some non-zero amount of overhead to the execution time, thus, causing some delay.