Thirst, Fear
One of the key differences between many drive states is the extent to which they are triggered by internal stimuli, such as the <u>thirst </u>drive state, versus external stimuli, such as the <u>fear </u>drive state.
Thirst is an internal stimuli while fear is an internal stimuli. The drive theory is an attempt to classify physiological drives such as thirst, hunger and fear and how they control the behaviour or response of an individual.
It was the Republic. The senators failed to gain the support of the Roman people of killing Julius Caesar and a power struggle took place where all the armies of the Republic were defeated by Mark Anthony, Octavian and Lepidus at the Battle of Philippi in 42 B.C. Later Anthony and Octavian fought at Actium where Anthony and Cleopatra were defeated and took their own lives. Octavian’s victory marked the end of the Republic and the start of the Empire of Rome where he was give the name Augustus.
Answer:It spreads through westernization. Westernization spreads culture
Andrew Johnson was the president who signed the treaty to purchase Alaska from Russia on March 30, 1867.
We will anaylze this scenario with the help of operant conditioning, which is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher. Reinforcer is any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Skinner states that "Beahvior is determined and controlled by the stimuli that are present in a given situation"
According to Skinner, when you take an aspirin for your headache, taking the aspirin is a negative reinforcer whereas the headache is an operant.