The Rudolph Rule states that simple ways you can make information stand out and guide or satisfy your audience to important details and highlight important information in your presentation
so i conclude option D is correct for above statement
hope it helps
Stanley Kubrick & Arthur C. Clarke :)
n = 1
lst = []
while n > 0:
lst.append(n := int(input()))
print(str(min(lst)) +" and "+str(max(lst)))
I wrote this code in python 3.8. I hope this helps
C. Extracurricular activities
Vocational school focuses more on specific job knowledge and doesn't offer any extracurricular activities like a college would
I, II only
A computer program is a compilation of instructions and commands that can be executed by a computer to carry out a specific task. Most computer devices can only function optimally with the help of a program.
Programs can repeat simple instructions very quickly in order to assist individual users to recognize images and sound effortlessly and to get rid of the drudgery of repeating instructions and commands by hand