Gray Stone Cliffs, and Sparkling clear spring
These describe the setting because the setting describe the place around him and the atmosphere here you can see he is near some gray stone cliffs with a sparkling clear spring nearby. Making this place sound calm and pretty, if he had said muddy brown spring with gray crumbling stone cliffs. It would have made the place sound old and gross rather than what it is.
Grendel is shown as a monster as he was exultant; highly elated about the presence of the kinsmen he wanted to devour.
To establish setting and context
The root word of circumspect comes from the Latin word circumspectus, which comes from the Latin word circum meaning to look around/inspect
Setting your own goals is important because having goals means to make a focus in life.
If we have a goal in our life means we have something to focus on.
A person knows what he needs to achieve or what he can achieve. Then, that person also motivates himself to strive for it. Since that person is the one who needs to achieve that goal and work hard for it, someone else should not set goals for us.
Someone else doesn’t know our potential, neither he knows how we would work towards it. So, it is essential that we set our own goals and not someone else.