Not going to write the article for you (plagiarism). Here are some ideas:
Trees reduce pollution
Produce Oxygen (which we depend on to survive)
Humans need green space in order to have a healthy life
Sustain various animals and insects
Good luck.
In scene 1 and 2, Silius desires Ventidius to look for more prominent magnificence and to smash the escaping Parthians- - without much of any result. Refering to Sossius whose misuses in Syria, that were in abundance of his bonus, put him at chances with Antony, Ventidius contends that an excess of desire in a subordinate will probably neutralize him. With their undertakings settled and harmony winning in the Domain, the magistrates head out in a different direction. Pompey has effectively left, and as of now Lepidus, Antony, and Octavius say their farewells. Octavia is particularly miserable to leave behind her sibling (as she is currently to go with Antony). There's another measurement to her trouble, in any case, as she murmurs a mystery in her sibling's ears which secret apparently disturbs Octavius. Agrippa and Enobarbus, who have said their farewells to each other and are just trusting that their authorities will close their farewells, notice Caesar's unexpected difference in face. Antony appears to be uninterested, nonetheless, as he wishes Octavius well, giving him one final hug.Scene 3 and 4 is the place where the courier, who had been beaten before for bringing awful news, is called again before Cleopatra. He is interrogated concerning Octavia's attributes and highlights, including her tallness, her voice, her bearing, and the state of her face among others. The courier's answers, which are individually not tall, low in register, firm and sculpture like, and roundish, satisfies Cleopatra: Octavia is a quite substandard lady whose charms or the deficiency in that department will neglect to spellbind Antony for long. Charmian, Cleopatra's comrade, completely concurs with Cleopatra. Refering to her sibling's revelation of battle against Pompey and his implicit hostility towards Antony, Antony reveals to Octavia that he will feel free to raise a military to go against her sibling. Scene 5 and 6, Octavia eagerly protests, contending that Antony couldn't in any way, shape or form put her in a more awful situation as she was unable to favor one without culpable the other. Antony contends that it's alright for her to depend on her instinct, that he will not blame her for it on the off chance that she favored her sibling against Antony and as of now allows her leave to go to her sibling. Eros advises Enobarbus that Octavius and Lepidus have fought against and crushed Pompey. Along these lines, Octavius has betrayed Lepidus, blaming Lepidus for having planned with Pompey. Consequently Lepidus is presently on par with dead, leaving the standard of the Domain in the possession of Antony and Octavius, who are currently ready to do fight for sole matchless quality. By and by, Eros advises Enobarbus that he is to answer to Antony. Eros advises Enobarbus that Octavius and Lepidus have fought against and crushed Pompey. Thusly, Octavius has betrayed Lepidus, blaming Lepidus for having planned with Pompey. Thus Lepidus is presently on par with dead, leaving the standard of the Domain in the possession of Antony and Octavius, who are currently ready to do fight for sole incomparability. As of now, Eros illuminates Enobarbus that he is to answer to Antony. Eros advises Enobarbus that Octavius and Lepidus have fought against and crushed Pompey. Thusly, Octavius has betrayed Lepidus, blaming Lepidus for having plotted with Pompey. Thus Lepidus is presently on par with dead, leaving the standard of the Realm in the possession of Antony and Octavius, who are currently ready to do fight for sole matchless quality. As of now, Eros illuminates Enobarbus that he is to answer to Antony. Eros illuminates Enobarbus that Octavius and Lepidus have fought against and crushed Pompey. Along these lines, Octavius has betrayed Lepidus, blaming Lepidus for having planned with Pompey. Hence Lepidus is currently on par with dead, leaving the standard of the Realm in the possession of Antony and Octavius, who are presently ready to do fight for sole matchless quality. By and by, Eros illuminates Enobarbus that he is to answer to Antony. Octavius Caesar trusts in two of his officials, Maecenas and Agrippa, on the present status of undertakings when Octavia shows up from Athens. Octavius laments that she should come without function, for example without a multitude of troops going to her as befitting the sister of Caesar. At the point when she guarantees her sibling that she had gone without function by decision and that her appearance is spurred by her desire to influence a compromise among Octavius and Antony, Octavius educates her regarding Antony's deceptiveness. In spite of Octavia's opinion, Antony is in Egypt, celebrating the good life with Cleopatra and giving their kids with domains which ought to really be divvied up among Antony and Octavius. Moreover, Antony has requested that Caesar divvy up the regions seized from Pompey and is right now raising a gigantic armed force to go against Octavius Caesar.
A cat jumped lol jk false dilemma like infinite haha
An epic Poem is a Ceremonial Performance and is narrated in a ceremonial style. Which is deliberately distances from ordinary speech and proportion to the grandeur and formality of the heroic subject matter and the epic architecture.
The Hero is a figure of great national or even cosmic importance, and represents a culture's heroic ideal.
The setting of the poem is ample in scale, and may be world wide, or even larger.
The action involves superhuman deeds in battles.
In these great actions, the gods and other supernatural being take an interest or an active part.