Answer: He witnessed the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem by the Roman Army.
He was always defending Jewish oral law, promoted the prayer in the synagogue, the study of the Hebrew commandments and the reading of the Torah. The Torah (Pentateuch) is the sacred law written by Moshe Rabenu (Moses) upon receiving it on Mount Sinai as narrated in the biblical book of Exodus.
He considered that these activities were the minimum requirements for the Jewish people to continue to exist in exile, anywhere in the world. Also, the memory of the Temple would be kept and passed from generation to generation. These practices were the foundations of the New Judaism.
Thanks to his efforts and guidance, the spiritual authority of the new Judaism was entirely in the hands of the rabbis, experts in Torah and Jewish law and not in the hands of the priests of the Sadducee party.
Answer: La Primera Guerra Mundial dejó como consecuencia una gran devastación demográfica y social, así como, una fuerte crisis económica. Desaparecieron cuatro imperios que fueron el alemán, el ruso, el austrohúngaro y el otomano, y se formaron nuevos países, lo que modificó la demografía de Europa central.
Louis XIV took several steps to increase the power of the French Monarchy. Firstly <em>he to reduce the influence of nobility and increase the power of the monarchy in France</em>. Louis XIV requested all the nobles to live with him in place of Versailles so he could keep an eye on them so that they wouldn't have more power than him. Secondly, Louis XIV placed <em>taxes on both imported and exported goods to collect more money for France</em>. His action laid the groundwork for french revolution because of staggering debts as well as royal abuse of power by the king.