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<span>Two types of treatments: type of seed and fire.
Type of seeds: 1. Known seed type that requires fire. 2. Known seed that is killed by far. 3. Experimental/unknown seed.
Fire treatments: 1. No fire. 2. Fire. </span>
Biodiversity boost the eco-system which essentially is the same reason we have plants without biodiversity we wouldn't have plants or trees. Therefore we wouldn't have oxygen so the more we kill the Eco-system the more our planet and life becomes more and more threatened therefore the more food supply and demand becomes less and less. Which basically leads to extinction. So biodiversity is also helpful for biodegradable products like plastic instead of foam. Essentially recycling basically saves our planet.
a. ciliary body: focus the pupil
The choroid thickens behind the iris and forms the circular ciliary body. Ciliary muscles are present in the ciliary body. The lens is attached to the ciliary body by ligaments. The function of the ciliary body is to holds lens in place and to serve in accommodation.
When focusing on a distant object, the relaxed ciliary muscles make the lens is flat and the suspensory ligament is taut. When focusing on a near object, the contraction of the ciliary muscles of the ciliary body allows the lens to accommodate. The lens becomes rounded causing the suspensory ligament to relax. Thereby, the ciliary body regulates the shape of the lens for near and far vision.
This is a aminoacyl- TRNA synthetase
D. Using only geothermal energy is a sustainable practice.
Geothermal energy is heat derived within the sub-surface of the earth.