The individuals that have the greatest impact on the preschool age client’s drawings are mom, dad, and teacher.
- A child in his preschool age is closely associated with his parents and his preschool teachers on the highest levels of emotional and physical (bodily warmth) affinity.
- In most cases, the living world of the child is limited to these three individuals. The young brain of the child picks up through observations the behavior of these three individuals and tries to imitate the same through various means of expression.
- Hence, from the drawings made by such child, the impact of mom, dad, and teacher on his intellect is exhibited clearly.
half a person's box says -8. the other half says 5. under the box says to add both numbers,divide by 12 , then multiply by 0
solve : -8 +5 = -3.
-3/12= -0.25
-0.25 *0 = 0
The anaconda plan harmed the confederacy a lot. By having troops surround the southern ports and the mississippi river, the confederacy was cut off and isolated from the outside world. It was to basically choke and strange the confederacy into submission.