It had too much power over the states
This is not true because the Articles had very little power, while the states got all the power. Also I didn't see an answer choice so this is just one of the things i thought of
County treasurer is my best guess .-.
a.Cuba is located 90 miles from the coast of Florida and mid-range communist missiles could reach U.S. cities from there.
The location of Cuba was so significant during the Cuban Missile Crisis because D. Cuba is located only 90 miles from the coast of Florida. Armed with medium or long-ranged nuclear missiles provided by the Soviets, Fidel Castro's Cuba could have had a great deal of the United States in his crosshairs even beyond Miami, Florida.
Trilobites were rapidly evolving and widespread marine organisms that spanned a number of geologic time periods. Certain types of trilobites only appeared in specific segments of geologic time; therefore, when one of these trilobites is found, you can be certain that the rock layer it is found in is of a certain geologic age.
Highest legislature, consisting of the sovereign, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.