225125₆/101₆ = 2225₆
One way to arrive at this is to convert both given numbers to base 10, compute the quotient in base 10, then convert back to base 6.
101₆ = 1×6² + 0×6¹ + 1×6⁰ = 37
225125₆ = 2×6⁵ + 2×6⁴ + 5×6³ + 1×6² + 2×6¹ + 5×6⁰ = 19,277
So we have
225125₆/101₆ = 19,277/37 = 521
521 = 2×216 + 89 = 2×6³ + 89
89 = 2×36 + 17 = 2×6² + 17
17 = 2×12 + 5 = 2×6¹ + 5×6⁰
and so
521 = 2×6³ + 2×6² + 2×6¹ + 5×6⁰ = 2225₆
Or you can use the long division algorithm. Division in base 6 is the same as in base 10, except numerals range from 0 to 5 instead of 0 to 9. See if you can follow this diagram (replaced with an attachment)