There are so many people who are accused of a crime they haven’t committed. Also it is basic empathy that separates humans from animals. To not feel sympathy is to be, in a way, inhuman.
People who have been accused of crimes are mothers, fathers, children, brothers, and sisters. They are human and that is enough.
Civil Case
Civil Cases are usually a disagreement between two or more citizens
Answer: It has exclusive jurisdiction over trials in felony cases, divorce, equity, and cases pertaining to land. Georgia counties are divided into forty-nine judicial circuits, each of which has at least one superior court judge.
The only way to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling that flag burning is protected speech is through a constitutional amendment.
Flag Desecration Amendment was brought proposed in June 27, 2006 but it failed. It is a proposed law to amend the Bill of Rights that would allow the U.S congress to prohibit dishonouring of the of the flag of the US and punish those who are involved in any such act.
The debate over protecting it as a national symbol and considering its physical desecration as the freedom of speech is still going on. If the amendment gets ratified it would prohibit all forms o flag dishonouring.
The supreme court has ruled in several cases that due to the First Amendment of the US constitution flag desecration cannot be prohibited by federal,municipal or state government.