Is very bad. what is the question
1. Evaporation
2. Transpiration
When plants and animals die, organic molecules also undergoes decomposition and this causes the incorporated phosphates to go back to the soil or bodies of water.
Phosphates are naturally related to <u>"phosphorus."</u> <em>They play a vital role in the life of animals and plants. </em>Phosphorus can be commonly be found on the earth's land and water (although the land has a smaller amount of it). <u>Plants naturally absorb phosphate from where they're growing. Animals take up phosphates by eating plants.</u> The phosphate that plants get from the soil are considered inorganic. They only become organic when it is incorporated into the plants DNA (since this is an organic molecule).
So, this means that if there's a sufficient amount of phosphate, there will be more plants on earth as it is also important in the process of acquiring nutrients.
When animals and plants die, all of the organic molecules such as phosphate also breaks down and thus, it falls back to the soil or bodies of water. Then, they are ready to enter another Phosphorus cycle.
<h2>Hyphae are thread like structure.....</h2>
<h2>hope it's helpful.!</h2><h2>pls mark me in brainlist</h2>
The green buble
Antibiotics are added to the animal feed or drinking water of cattle, hogs, poultry and other food-producing animals to help them gain weight faster or use less food to gain weight.
Because all uses of antimicrobial drugs, animals contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance, it is important to use these drugs only when medically necessary.
the production (e.g. growth enhancement) purposes as well as for the treatment, control or prevention of animal diseases. Even today, it is not entirely understood how these drugs make animals grow faster. The drugs are primarily added to feed, although they are sometimes added to the animals’ drinking water.