I forward this letter to you in regards to the power supply in my area. Being said, I would like to emphasize upon the erratic power supply here, especially concerning outages. Of course, there are series of frequent power outages and sometimes there is even no power to begin with. As a result, I and our city residents have to face the difficulties of which this brings forth. Even when there is power supply to depend on, it happens to cause a lot of fluctuation of electricity. This really damages a-lot of aspects within our city, and with that I strongly believe the authorities should take this matter into consideration.
I write to you to express my concern and helplessness thinking you might assist me in waking up the sleeping municipal cooperation authorities ! our locality has been facing several scarcity of water. the problem is quite complex. our locality has not been receiving normal water supply for many weeks. It is owing to the ever increasing pressure of new colonies by attaching them to the few water supply facilities. as a result the water does not come in taps . we requested The municipal commissioner to provide a new water facility in our locality but to no a vail . the municipal authorities have quite an apathetic attitude towards providing public amenities to people have been facing several water scarcity for many months now . through the columns of your reputed daily . I hope you will assist me in this cause by publishing my letter in your newspaper. thanking you.
the best answer would mostly likely be C bc it says "Kate my complain if the jug had been there". which means that they complain bout minor things, sorry if I got it wrong this is just from my opinion :)