King George wasn't as scared as he was furious with the Massachusetts colony. He decided to punish them with new laws passed, they called the new British laws the Intolerable Acts.
I believe it's"Japan allowed less European trade after the Spanish conquered the Philippines, so traders hired private armies to force access to Japan".
Virginia company followed a number of ways to bring success to England. Virginia Company, also known as, Virginia Company of London is a commercial trading company. The owner of this company was King James I of England in April 1606.
The Virginia Company played an important role in bringing success to England. Firstly, it began to bring women and skilled workers. Also, it granted lands to new settlers. Both of these steps encouraged the complete family groups to migrate at one place. Since the ladies were also involved, people moved in large numbers as they could earn well.
The Company was formed to bring profit to its shareholders and it also aimed to establish an English colony in the New World.
1. Normal
2. Criticism of Existing Regime
3. Widespread Dissatisfaction
1. Society divided into class and rank with church, nobles sitting above everyone else. The churhc and nobles owned majority of the land and wealth
2. Enlightenments used reason and science to question the hierarchy of society and revolutionary ideas start spreading in the country.
3. Events anger citizens which question the people in power. Events of debt due to war from Louis XIV, self-indulgence like Louis XV and Louis XVI. Increase in food prices which people can't afford and the taxing of nobles.