According to John Horn, fluid intelligence steadily declines from middle adulthood onward. Fluid intelligence is described as ability to solve problems at the moment-navigated and adapt to a new situation. According to John Horn, there is a fluid and crystallized intelligence.
Verstehen is a German term that means to understand intensely and also applies to a sociological concept developed by Max Weber. According to this approach, a researcher is trying to understand the lives of people from the perspective of another person, he may seek to put himself in the shoes of the other person. Researches try to gain insight into the other person by discussion or interaction and therefore their subjective analyses are important to understand society at a larger level.
The 4 necessary cognitive processes are:
1. Attention: This is the way in which by means of observation we grasp what happens around us.
2. Retention: This is learning and passing on to the long-term memory what we have just observed.
3. Reproduction: It happens when the observed, retained and learned previously is repeated.
4. Motivation: Motivation is the desire to reproduce what we observe and learn.
Answer: packages typically arrive no later than the end of the business day. During busy holiday delivery times, packages to a non-residential address may be delivered as late as 5:00 PM.