Explanation:bad for bisuness
The most appropriate nursing diagnosis would be:
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to unmet cultural food preferences
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements in women mainly occurs when a higher incidence regarding voluntary restriction of food intake secondary to anorexia, bulimia, and self-constructed fad dieting.
Here are some factors that may be related to Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements:
Inability to absorb or metabolize foods
Inability to digest foods
Inability to ingest foods
Inability to procure adequate amounts of food
Increased metabolic needs caused by disease process or therapy
Knowledge deficit
Unwillingness to eat
Answer: This is a deductive argument, because the truth in the first premises which states: if you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, you show up to the office 10 minutes early for work. Has validate the conclusion that state: I know for a fact that I was early to work Monday through Friday, so I must have slept at least 8 hours every night.
The underlying reason why the conclusion is valid is because, the conclusion affirms the first premises (P1).
The conclusion can only be valid in this argument if it affirms either P1 or P2.
P1: If it rains the soil will be wet.
P2: If it does not rain the soil will not the wet.
Conclusion: it rained, therefore the soil is wet.
First one is D. I think because, and then, also this and that. then