Examples of sentences with the structure (not) as... as:
His face is not as round as Tom´s.
Her eyes are not as big as mine.
His nose is as turned-up as his mother´s.
Mary´s hair is as curly as her friend´s.
The policeman is as angry as the car driver.
The TV host is not as bored as the audience.
The children are as happy as their grandparents.
Well it could be used for both
p1s3: In my opinion, mobile devices are helpful for everyone because we can use them as a resource.
p2s1: First of all, people who are very anti-social in person tend to be more outgoing on screen.
p2s4: For example, when someone is shy, social media can help them feel more connected to others, because they feel more comfortable expressing themselves.
p3 last 2 sentences: For instance, there are times when someone wants the definition of a word they don't know, so they look online. In sum, mobile devices are not only used for entertainment, but as a resource for many kids around the world.
p4s1: Finally, mobile phones help people stay connected.
p4s3: In addition, social media can be used to keep relationships alive by staying connected through calls and texts.
p4s5: In a nutshell, social engagements are a very important part of relationships.
p5: In the end, many people...
I might add some later
If you mean “is the statement correct?” kinda thing, then i believe you can’t speak french. you may be able to speak a little bit of french, but i don’t think you’ll be able to speak french fluently.