Step 1: Glycolysis. In glycolysis, glucose—a six-carbon sugar—undergoes a series of chemical transformations. In the end, it gets converted into two molecules of pyruvate, a three-carbon organic molecule. In these reactions, ATP is made, and \text{NAD}^+NAD + N, A, D, superscript is converted to {NADH}NADHN, A, D, H.
Step 2:Pyruvate oxidation. Each pyruvate from glycolysis goes into the mitochondrial matrix—the innermost compartment of mitochondria. There, it’s converted into a two-carbon molecule bound to Co-enzyme A, known as acetyl CoA. Carbon dioxide is released and NADH is generated.
Step 3:Citric acid cycle. The acetyl CoA made in the last step combines with a four carbon molecule and goes through a cycle or reaction, ultimately regenerating the four carbon starting molecule.
Plants infected with white rot may have a cottony white or grey mass of fungal ... The disease can occur on all the vegetable alliums but tends to be more serious on garlic ... The fungus is an important pathogen on a number of non-allium crops ... a brown discoloration and rot, so that the shoot easily detaches from the base.
The hormone that stimulates ovaries to release one egg per ovarian cycle is called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland. Most woman will reach puberty by their teen years.
<span>The rat was taught that when you press the bar you receive food. When the food ran out the rat was still pressing the bar however it wasn't be awarded. The rat then saw that there was no outcome to pressing the button therefore found it to be pointless.</span>
<em><u>The blood in an artery flows faster and at higher pressure. </u></em><em><u>I</u></em><em><u>t</u></em><em><u>s</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>b</u></em><em><u>e</u></em><em><u>c</u></em><em><u>a</u></em><em><u>u</u></em><em><u>s</u></em><em><u>e</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>p</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u>essure is a measure of the force that the blood exerts against the vessel walls as it moves the blood through the vessels. Like all fluids, blood flows from a high pressure area to a region with lower pressure. Blood flows in the same direction as the decreasing pressure gradient: arteries to capillaries to veins.</u></em><em><u>M</u></em><em><u>o</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u>e</u></em><em><u>o</u></em><em><u>v</u></em><em><u>e</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>t</u></em><em><u>he arteries have thicker smooth muscle and connective tissue than the veins to accommodate the higher pressure and speed of freshly pumped blood. The veins are thinner walled as the pressure and rate of flow are much lower.</u></em>
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