Useing the bathroom you gotta go when ya gotta go
Menstruation is the process in which the uterus sheds blood and tissue through the vagina. This is natural and healthy in girls and women of reproductive age. Western communities call this a period.
The correct answer is PPO
Further Explanation:
The insurance that Charlotte has is called a PPO. This allows her to receive her healthcare services from any healthcare provider that accepts her insurance.
This is also known as Preferred Provider Organization. When a person has this type of insurance plan they will not need to have a referral to see a specialist or any other doctor that they may need to see. Cost sharing is used in these types of insurance policies.
The other type of insurance is called a HMO.
Learn more about PPO's at
<span>Are at risk as much smokers for respiratory and circulatory diseases.
<span>Passive smokers</span></span>