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The mandate system was a mechanism set up by the League of Nations after WW1, allowing the victorious powers to govern enemy colonies until the natives were fit to rule themselves. The colonies were called 'mandates', while the country ruling it was referred to as the 'mandatary'.
<u>Municipality</u> is a city or town with local government, <u>Parishes</u> a district having their own church and preist or pastor,<u> County Clerk</u> an elected offical who's responsible counting votes, <u>Boroughs</u> a town or district that is in an administrative unit,<u> Charter</u> a grant writen by a country's legislative power, <u>City</u> a town were there are people who are citizens or getting citizenship, <u>Sheriff</u> an elected officer to keep the town at peace, <u>District Attorney</u> an offical that acts as a prosecutor for a state or the federal government, <u>County Treasurer</u> takes care of accounts and finances of people, <u>Counties</u> a political administrative divsion of a state providing certain local government service, <u>Ordinances</u> a authoritative order, <u>County Auditor</u> a fiscal officer in the county government.
What action did the United States take in 2003 as part of its "War on Terror"? It killed al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden after he fled to Pakistan. It entered Afghanistan and removed the Taliban from power. It invaded Iraq and removed dictator Saddam Hussein from power. (Hope this helps )