Bicameral - (of a legislative body) having two branches or chambers.
ROosevelts speech was a great speech. his speech was definetly successesfull Despite being shot, he carried on. I truly think this inspired many americans.
They wrote in the amendment clause into the original constitution allowing for constitutional amendments as long as they were approved by a 2/3 vote in both the Senate and House of Reps and wasn't declared unconstitutional by the Judaical or Executive branches. Also a amendment can not be erased from the constitution another amendment must be placed to void it. <span />
In the early 13th century the Mongol Genghis Khan consolidate most of the nomads on the steppe.
Richard the Lion heart led an English army, but he and his fellow kings failed to drive Arabs from Jerusalem. Saladin and Richard the Lionheart are two names that tend to dominate the Crusades.
Hope that helps. From what I can remember