The <span>Declaration of Independence intended to be a formal declaration of war:
A. Yes. Though fighting preceded the writing, it wasintended to be a formal declaration of war.
Conflicts between American colonists and British soldiers started in April 1775, however the formal Declaration of Independence happened on July 4, 1776.
41 degrees to 140 degrees.
The danger zone in food safety terms refers to the temperatures within which food should not be kept or else it will probably become contaminated. Bacteria can easily develop in food if it's kept within the temperatures between 41 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit for more than two hours. In such cases, food should be thrown away. This is the reason why fridges should be set at a temperature of under 4 degrees Celsius anyway to prevent food from going bad.
he refused to perform for some french officers
corporeal: bodily, fleshly
Inferred definition: relating to the human body
corpulent: obese, overweight
Inferred definition: fat
corps: unit, division, troop
Inferred definition: a military troop/unit
suggesting that law and justice are different concepts; rather, he argues that the law often hinders the pursuit of true justice. ... In other words, it's the obligation of every moral person to break the law when the law is immoral.