Trypins breaks down the protien into simple amino acids which are absorbed by the gut wall.
Identical shape and structure.
Those organisms that reproduce sexually have high variations and differences between the parent and its offspring. They are not identical to each other because the offspring gains half characteristics from male parent and half from the female parent making it different from its parent. Identical feature is present in the organisms that reproduce through asexually means from only one parent so the identical shape and structure is not the cost of sexual reproduction.
In the nucleus of a cell.
The correct answer is: the mother cell is diploid, but the products of the first division are haploid.
Meiosis is cell division with the purpose to produce the gametes: sperm and eggs. Meiosis is a two-step division process:
• meiosis I- Homologues pairs (chromosome pairs an organism receives from parents, one from mother, one from father) separate during this phase
• meiosis II – Separation of sister chromatids.
C, T, A, C
I think it will be like this. I can't understand your language but I think my answer will help you Insha'Allah.