Steps recommended to patient for reducing the risk of developing a fungal infection of toenails are regarding to their hygiene, footwear and medications.
- Avoid borrowing someone else's shoes or sharing socks or towels with someone who has toenail fungus.
- An orthotic device can be used to add cushioning and/or control over-pronation, support the longitudinal arch, and reduce stress on the lower leg muscles.
- Wash your feet regularly, and dry them thoroughly when they get wet.
- Keep toenails trimmed, and be sure to disinfect any pedicure tools before using them.
- If there is any toenail fungus, see your foot doctor. The doctor might remove as much of the nail as possible by trimming, filing or dissolving it.
- Medicated nail polish might be prescribed for a localized infection, but a serious infection will likely be treated with a prescription oral antifungal medication
D. unnatural scream
The Bigfoot is a an animal around there's lot of debate, as there are thousands of sightings, but not conclusive proof that it actually exists, thus it falls into the category of mythological creatures for the time being. This creature has been described by thousands of people that claim to have seen it or hear it, and the descriptions are pretty much the same, very tall, hominid-like, bipedal, dark fur, very quick, and terrifying. Something else that is a specific feature of the creature is the sounds its make, as everyone has said that it produces incredibly powerful unnatural sounding scream. People have said that they have frozen from fear after hearing those sounds, and that whenever that sound occurs all other animals run away frightened in the opposite direction.
The right choice of them is biosphere, community, and organism.