Answer: False
Web designers are not using programming languages to write websites.
Since all of the items in the array would be integers sorting them would not be a problem regardless of the difference in integers. O(n) time would be impossible unless the array is already sorted, otherwise, the best runtime we can hope for would be such a method like the one below with a runtime of O(n^2)
static void sortingMethod(int arr[], int n)
int x, y, temp;
boolean swapped;
for (x = 0; x < n - 1; x++)
swapped = false;
for (y = 0; y < n - x - 1; y++)
if (arr[y] > arr[y + 1])
temp = arr[y];
arr[y] = arr[y + 1];
arr[y + 1] = temp;
swapped = true;
if (swapped == false)
Google Slides. Google has made a conscious effort to emulate many of MS Office's tools, and Slides is their alternative to PowerPoint. ...
DesignBold. ...
PowToon. ...
Slides. ...
ClearSlide. ...
Moovly. ...
Prezi. ...
Mentely es eso espero q te ayude :)