In a deep wound, there might be a few layers of tissue that need to be rebuilt because they were lost. In this rebuilding process this pebbly texture can be seen and it indicates that granulation is taking place (that's the process). Granulation is when small blood vessels and capillaries start to develop vertically to the outside part of the wound, being supported by connective tissue, and surrounded by cells of many other types for different purposes, such as immunitary functions or specialised tissue functions. This tissue growing is characteristic of healing and it presents this granulated/pebbly texture to it.
Chemical methods--It includes ion exchange, precipitation, oxidation and reduction, and neutralization.........
Thermal methods--In this, high-temperature incineration, which not only can detoxify certain organic wastes but also can destroy them....
Biological treatment-- It is of certain organic wastes, such as those from the petroleum industry by a special method called landfarming
Physical treatment-- It concentrates, solidifies, or reduces the volume of the waste. Physical processes include evaporation, sedimentation, flotation, and filtration....
Primary structure of proteins refers to the order of amino acids that make up the protein. The heme is an nonprotein non-amino acid, so it is not involved at this stage.
Tertiary structure of proteins is the overall 3-D folding of the protein (it comes after secondary, which involves folding into a repeated pattern). The heme bonds to its correct position on the hemoglobin during this stage and helps in correct folding.