A game is built from a combination of sub-tasks in order to provide the best experience to the user and make sure that the interface is comprises of only the results of the ongoing sub-tasks to provide a higher degree of data abstraction.
Data abstraction refers to the process of representing the essential information without including the background details. Rolling a dice is preferred to be a sub-task so that the user only gets to know about the result of the roll and does not have to wait for or anticipate the result. Moreover, a game may consist of n number of sub-tasks so it is not a good idea to include them in the main framework and are preferred to be abstracted.
Following are the code to the given question:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
class Window //defining a class Window
int width, height;//defining integer variable
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& stm, Window& width)//defining a friend function that takes two parameters
return stm<<"a ("<<width.width<<" x "<<width.height<<") window"; //use return keyword that return its values
Window(int width, int height): width(width), height(height)//defining parameterized constructor that inherit width and height in its parameters
int main() //Main method
Window w(80,90);//calling class constructor
cout<<w;//print object value
return 0;
a (80 x 90) window
In the above code, a class "Window" is defined that uses a friend function "ostream& operator" is declared that uses the "ostrea&" as a data type to hold two-variable "stm and w" in its parameter, and declared the parameterized constructor to hold value by inheriting width and height in its parameters.
Inside the main method, a class object is created that calls the constructor and uses the print method to print object value.
(c) the dynamic type of reference will determine which of the methods to call.
Polymorphism in Object Oriented Programming typically means the same method name can cause different actions depending on which object it is invoked on. Polymorphism allows for dynamic binding in that method invocation is not bound to the method definition until the program executes.
So in the case of Animal superclass and Mammal subclass, both having a method called eat() with identical signatures and return types, depending on which reference, the correct method eat() will be called dynamically upon execution.
For example, if we have the following;
<em>Mammal mammal = new Animal();</em>
The eat() method that will be called is the one in the Mammal subclass.
However, if we have;
<em>Animal animal = new Animal();</em>
The eat() method of the Animal superclass will be called.
The correct answer is It is a program that checks for grammatical errors.
In programming, when we want to check that our grammar is correct, we can use an editor.
This is a program that allows you to correct spelling through a software application. It analyzes the entered text and automatically checks whether it is spelled correctly or not, comparing the words with its internal database.
Given this information we can say that the correct answer is It is a program that checks for grammatical errors.