lots of bodies of water, lots of mountains
The Piedmont<span> is a plateau region located in the eastern </span>United States<span>. It sits between the </span>Atlantic Coastal Plain<span> and the main </span>Appalachian Mountains<span>, stretching from </span>New Jersey<span> in the north to central </span>Alabama<span> in the south. The </span>Piedmont Province<span> is a </span>physiographic province<span> of the larger </span>Appalachian<span> division which consists of the </span>Piedmont Upland<span> and the </span>Piedmont Lowlands<span> sections</span>
which language r u ask in??
The functions of Tokyo are to serve as the social, political, cultural, traditional, business, financial, population, government, and economic center of the nation of Japan.