With the exception of Austria-Hungary, new imperialism was entrenched in the policies of all the European powers. This frenzy to acquire colonies was due to the potential financial and psychological benefits that colonies provide. Financially speaking, the colonies can help European nation’s name economy by firstly providing the raw materials necessary for industrialization which were lacking in continental Europe. Secondly, after using the raw materials to produce the merchandise, the colonies provided a market where the European nations can sell their manufactured goods. Hence, new colonies can begin an exploitive cycle where the European nations take resources from their colonial subjects then profits exportation of completed goods
The Congress approved the
Central and Southern Florida Project for Flood Control and Other Purposes
(C&SF Project) in 1948. The implementing began in the mid 1950’s, and the
basic structures were finished by the mid 1960’s. Water management in the area
started. When it was finished, lands in the Fareast were protected from
flooding by blocking the flow through a perimeter levee. To the north, the
lands were designed for agriculture, to the west which was the major area was
the water conservation was designated for the National Park and other uses. The
excess was kept in the drainage and released in the ocean.
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C. It was home to the Nazi Party and the anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws.
It was considered the birthplace of the Nazi party, and had many Nazi rallies to inspire people to vote Hitler into office. Also it was the passing of Nuremberg laws by the Reich-stag that played a factor too.
The Spanish-American War was an 1898 conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America.