Grosz's metaphor refers to the heated environment in Germany during the Weimar Republic. It suggests that it felt like living in a fearful and anxious state. The result of this increased heat was violence.
In his autobiographical account of the times of the Weimar Republic, George Grosz writes about the heated environment that paved the streets of Germany.
By using the metaphor of 'bubbling cauldron,' Grosz is suggesting that Germany was heating up with hatred and violent speeches. This suggests that it felt like living in a fearful and anxious state. The result of this increased heat was violence and hatred.
Se llama Conspiración de Querétaro al movimiento clandestino nacido en la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro en 1810. Se toma generalmente como el antecedente inmediato de la Guerra de Independencia de México, dado que este grupo es el que comenzó la lucha armada por la emancipación de la Nueva España con respecto a la Corona. El objetivo primordial de la Conspiración de Querétaro era constituir una junta gubernativa que tomara el poder a nombre de Fernando VII.
es lo único que te puedo informar espero que te sirva de algo.
Yes, it is true that <span>Jimmy Carter followed Gerald Ford as president, since Jimmy Carter was elected to office in 1977--the same year that Ford left office. </span>
The Rule of Law is the legal statement<span> that law should control a country, instead of being controlled by decisions of individual government officials.
(Wikipedia helped me out on this one)</span><span />