Internet Protocol refers to a set of rules that govern how data packets are transmitted over a network. Internet protocol describes how data packets move through a network. Its important to have agreed upon protocols because Computers make use of protocols as well, to enable them to communicate. Devices need to communicate. When two devices want to successfully communicate, they must agree to follow some rules about the way they will do it.
Ombré /ˈɒmbreɪ/ (literally "shaded" in French) is the blending of one color hue to another, usually moving tints and shades from light to dark. It has become a popular feature for hair coloring, nail art, and even baking, in addition to its uses in home decorating and graphic design.
A program that repeatedly prompts a user for integer numbers :
biggest = none
smallest = none
while True:
input = raw_input(“Enter a number:”)
if(input == “done” break
number = float(inp)
except ValueError:
print “Please enter only numbers”
if smallest is None:
smallest = number;
biggest = number;
elif number < smallest:
smallest = number
elif num > largest:
largest = number
Print “Greatest is “, biggest
Print “Smallest is”, smallest
In this program an input is obtained, if it is equal to the word “done”, then the program stops b printing greatest and smallest number in the given input.
If invalid inputs are given then user is prompted to enter valid number. Otherwise the value of smallest and greatest are calculated according to the input using if-else construct.
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data source
The main aim of a data source is for the gathering of all necessary information that is needed to access a data. Since he has used the information to create a pie chart, this means that some data were used for the creation of this pie chart. Hence the information used for the creation of the pie chart is the data source for the information illustrated on the pie chart.