Each piece of this function is continuous on its respective domain (because all polynomials are continuous functions), meaning
• 2 - x exists for all x < -1
• x exists for all -1 ≤ x < 1
• (x - 1)² exists for all x ≥ 1
So this really just leaves the points where the pieces are split up, i.e. x = -1 and x = 1. At both of these points, the two-sided limit exists as long as the one-side limits from both sides exist and are equal to one another.
At x = -1, as I said in my comment, you have


But -1 ≠ 3, so the two-sided limit

does not exist. So a = -1 is one of the points you would list.
At x = 1, we have


and again the one-sided limits don't match, so this two-sided limit also does not exist, making a = 1 the other answer.