a. count of observations that meet a condition (counts), total number of observations (nobs), Hypothesized value of population proportion (value).
In other to use the proportion_ztest method, the need to make import from the statsmodel module ; statsmodels.stats.proportion.proportions_ztest ; this will allow use use the Z test for proportion and once this method is called it will require the following arguments (count, nobs, value=None, alternative='two-sided', prop_var=False)
nobs = number of observations
count = number of successes in the nobs trial or the number of successes for each independent sample.
Value = hypothesized value of the population proportion.
thethe more you have attached the more people are going to know your product so that it's going to be a long process which people can introduce to their friends
Customer Table
- Customer name
- Customer id
Product Table
- Product id/number (primary key, auto increment)
- Product name
- Product sale price
Transactions Table
- Transaction Id
- Customer Id
- Product id
- Quantity
- Price
- Date
Natalie wants to fetch following information from database
- Look up customer name and sale price
- Sort items in db by product number
To lookup customer name and sale price perform a join on Transactions table and Customer table.Assuming database is build in mysql the query to fetch required results would be
select transction.productId,transaction.customerid,customer.customername from transactions join customer ON
where productid="user provided product id of returned product"
For sorting products by number set produc number in product table a auto increment primary key