The right answer is A.
Metabolic homeostasis is provided by a set of interactions between the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral tissues. The CNS controls the periphery by regulating the fraction of energy that enters the body (caloric intake) and that which emerges from it.
To perform this role, the CNS receives signals from peripheral organs and provides information on peripheral metabolism, as well as the extent of the reserves available to the body.
I believe they are called endothermic.
Endotherms also called warm blooded animals are those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment. They primarily includes, birds and animals, but some fish are also endothermic. On the other hand ectothermic animals or cold blooded animals are those whose regulation of body temperature depends on the external sources such as sunlight.
I believe the answer is inertia.
I hope that was helpful.
I think it’s proteins and nucleic acids
Nondisjunction is the failure of homologous or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division .There are 3 forms of non junctions.1)failure of a pair of homologous chromosome to separate in meisis 1