Suppose we add up alternate Fibonacci numbers, Fn-1 + Fn+1; that is, what do ... L(1)=1 and L(3)= 4 so their sum is 5 whereas F(2)=1; L(2)=3 and L(4)= 7 so their ... What is the relationship between F(n-2), and F(n+2)? You should be able to find a ... Fib(N); K (an EVEN number!), Lucas(K) and Fib(K) in each expression like ...
b and c
In b you'll be mixing and heating up the sauce creating a new compound from older components and in c, the ultraviolet lights will change your skin cells.
Meiosis is involved in the formation of the gametes of multicellular organisms.
<h3>How do multicellular organisms reproduce?</h3>
Both plants and animals reproduce by developing new individuals, through gametes or reproductive cells.
<h3>Characteristics of multicellular organisms reproduction</h3>
- Many multicellular organisms always arise from a single cell called a zygote, the result of the union of two gametes (female and male).
- The zygote subdivides rapidly throughout gestation, forming the entire body of the creature that, from its birth, begins to grow.
Therefore, multicellular organisms reproduce by means of certain types of reproductive cells that are generated and take care of building a complete new individual.
Learn more about multicellular organisms reproduction here:
Electron microscope is a device which is used to see microscopic objects using electon. In this tyoe of microscope electron is thrown on an object whose image is formed on the screen. It resolution power is 10,000X. If the internal structure of an object is to be observed then SEM is used, however for three dimensional structure, TEM is used.