"A World of Heroes" is an anthology of famous Greek short stories written in their original language, ancient Greek. The short stories presented in this anthology are authored by the greatest authorities in relation to classical Greek literature, they are Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles.
The book is a complete and well-written source for lovers of literature, students of classical Greek, students of classical studies and students of Greek history, as the book has rich footnotes that explain cultural and religious concepts related to Greek culture and gifts within short stories.
The book has famous and influential short stories to this day, such as the battle of Thermopylai, the Stories of Herodotus, the death of Hektor, the Iliad, the fall of Oedipus, among others.
The author shows how the characters' apartment was humble and built with cheap material, in addition, the author shows that the characters were very thin, as they didn't buy enough food.
<h3>How does the author introduce the main characters?</h3>
- The characters are very poor people.
- The characters have a lot of economic problems.
- The characters have few resources.
- The characters have many difficulties and discomforts.
At the beginning of the story, the author shows how the characters' salary was very low, implying that they had little money and went through many difficulties.
To emphasize this, the author shows how thin they were and how their house was small, cheap, with low-quality materials, and uncomfortable.
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